Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Its my Birthday: Celebrating my 30th with a Fiesta!

On Saturday I turned the big 3-0 and whilst I will have a post on how that feels later in the week I wanted to share with you some photos of the night!

It was a huge hit, and most of the guest came dressed according to the invite which was to come dressed in your Mexican best.

A huge thank you to all that helped with the success of the night, including the amazing taco truck who as always did not disappoint with awesome prawn tostadas and fish and chicken tacos. My guests were shocked to see the van in the driveway and even more surprised by the festive decorations which overtook my outdoor space.

I think in total I would have had 80 or so friends and family, and it was so great to see them all and celebrate such a important milestone. As i mentioned in my speech the last year has certainly been challenging for myself and my partner and without the support of my family and friends I certainly wouldn't be in the place I am right now. As such, the party was more of a thank you to them more than anything.

I had ordered Jaritos soft drinks for the kids and a range of alcoholic drinks for the grown up, party punch, tequila, margaritas, and plenty of coronas. I really should have hired a bar man as it was hard to keep up with the drinks, and everyone was having such a good time that we didn't want to stop dancing. It helped that I hired a dj at the eleventh hour, (great idea get onto starlight dj)

It was great to see all the different interpretations of Mexican dress, some did the red lips and roses in the hair and others went all out on hiring costumes, regardless the party was cheerful and full of colour. Special mention to my brother who may have been slightly confused between spanish and mexican, I have to say even with that he may have still won the "Best Dressed Award!"

Later in the evening my brother poured me a shot containing the worm and felt a little pressure to consume, needless to say I instantly regretted and took care of it moments later.

I certainly felt an overwhelming sense of love and joy that evening being surrounded by all the people that love me and more importantly I love dearly. I received some amazing gift including two new charms for my bracelet.

Thank you to all the made the night the best one yet!


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